Nintendo Switch Software Error Class Action Lawsuit Investigation
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit against Nintendo for faulty design of its Nintendo Switch gaming device. Consumers have complained that the device stops operating and displays a message stating that the "software was closed because an error occurred." Nintendo customer support has offered multiple remedies with limited results. These include sending the device back to them for rework (Customers experience the same issue upon getting their devices back.) or buying another game to see if it solves the problem (Customers have done this, and it has not worked which means they have now spent more money without achieving a successful fix.) If you own a Nintendo Switch and have experienced this or other issues with its operation, please contact us.
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit against Nintendo for faulty design of its Nintendo Switch gaming device. Consumers have complained that the device stops operating and displays a message stating that the "software was closed because an error occurred." Nintendo customer support has offered multiple remedies with limited results. These include sending the device back to them for rework (Customers experience the same issue upon getting their devices back.) or buying another game to see if it solves the problem (Customers have done this, and it has not worked which means they have now spent more money without achieving a successful fix.) If you own a Nintendo Switch and have experienced this or other issues with its operation, please contact us.