National Collegiate Student Loan Debt Collection Class Action Lawsuit Investigation
Investigating a class action lawsuit against National Collegiate, a student loan trust conglomerate, on behalf of students who took out these private student loans. National Collegiate aggressively pursues debt collection of these loans for students who fall behind on their payments, but are unable to provide complete, or detailed information, about students, their loan, and in some cases, the correct school the student attended. Courts have dismissed National Collegiate lawsuits for failure to produce sufficient records, which provides students loan debt relief. If you or your child took out a loan that is currently held by National Collegiate, and have been aggressively pursued for debt collection, please contact us.
Investigating a class action lawsuit against National Collegiate, a student loan trust conglomerate, on behalf of students who took out these private student loans. National Collegiate aggressively pursues debt collection of these loans for students who fall behind on their payments, but are unable to provide complete, or detailed information, about students, their loan, and in some cases, the correct school the student attended. Courts have dismissed National Collegiate lawsuits for failure to produce sufficient records, which provides students loan debt relief. If you or your child took out a loan that is currently held by National Collegiate, and have been aggressively pursued for debt collection, please contact us.