Duke Energy Tree Removal Class Action Lawsuit Investigation
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit against Duke Energy of Ohio for allegations that it will reduce privacy and diminish property values of its customers by cutting down trees that the company claims could cause widespread power outages. It is routine for Duke Energy to trim overhanging branches that are within 50 feet of overhead transformer lines. However, Duke has changed its policy and now intends to take down entire trees instead of just overhanging branches or brush. If you are a customer of Duke Energy in Ohio and are affected by Duke's new policy of tree removal, please contact us.
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit against Duke Energy of Ohio for allegations that it will reduce privacy and diminish property values of its customers by cutting down trees that the company claims could cause widespread power outages. It is routine for Duke Energy to trim overhanging branches that are within 50 feet of overhead transformer lines. However, Duke has changed its policy and now intends to take down entire trees instead of just overhanging branches or brush. If you are a customer of Duke Energy in Ohio and are affected by Duke's new policy of tree removal, please contact us.