Cook County Pop Tax Class Action Lawsuit Investigation
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit on behalf of consumers purchasing beverages in Cook County, Illinois subject to the Cook County Pop Tax. In an effort to promote healthier choices, Cook County has enacted a pop tax for sweetened drinks of one cent per ounce sold at supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, and other retail locations around the county. Originally intended to begin on July 1, 2017, the effective date was delayed until August 2, 2017 due to pending litigation from grocery stores. The purpose of the tax is to promote healthier choices among consumers, and it is expected to generate approximately $200 million of additional annual revenue. The one month delay resulted in an estimated $17 million in lost revenue. Retailers have a series of problems with implementation of the tax including 7-Eleven because it charged a consumer the pop tax for unsweetened coffee purchased in a Big Gulp cup. The retailers such as Walgreens and McDonalds have allegedly struggled with automating their systems to tax only specific beverages subject to the tax, and with how to handle refills also subject to the tax. If you purchased an unsweetened drink in Cook County, Illinois after August 2, 2017 and were charged a Cook County Pop Tax, please contact us.
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit on behalf of consumers purchasing beverages in Cook County, Illinois subject to the Cook County Pop Tax. In an effort to promote healthier choices, Cook County has enacted a pop tax for sweetened drinks of one cent per ounce sold at supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, and other retail locations around the county. Originally intended to begin on July 1, 2017, the effective date was delayed until August 2, 2017 due to pending litigation from grocery stores. The purpose of the tax is to promote healthier choices among consumers, and it is expected to generate approximately $200 million of additional annual revenue. The one month delay resulted in an estimated $17 million in lost revenue. Retailers have a series of problems with implementation of the tax including 7-Eleven because it charged a consumer the pop tax for unsweetened coffee purchased in a Big Gulp cup. The retailers such as Walgreens and McDonalds have allegedly struggled with automating their systems to tax only specific beverages subject to the tax, and with how to handle refills also subject to the tax. If you purchased an unsweetened drink in Cook County, Illinois after August 2, 2017 and were charged a Cook County Pop Tax, please contact us.