Juicero Press Class Action Lawsuit Investigation
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit against failed San Francisco start-up company Juicero on behalf of customers trying to receive a refund for their Juicero Press. It is alleged that this Juicero Press, a $700 fruit and vegetable juicer, was no more effective at juicing produce than a person squeezing the produce with his or her bare hands. If you or your family purchased a Juicero Press, and are attempting to request a refund of it, please contact us.
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit against failed San Francisco start-up company Juicero on behalf of customers trying to receive a refund for their Juicero Press. It is alleged that this Juicero Press, a $700 fruit and vegetable juicer, was no more effective at juicing produce than a person squeezing the produce with his or her bare hands. If you or your family purchased a Juicero Press, and are attempting to request a refund of it, please contact us.