DEFECTIVE MATERIALSEvery residential or commercial structure includes a wide variety of construction products. For example, a roof can be composed of wood shingles, composition shingles, tile, asphalt and other roofing materials. Exterior walls are technically constructed of wood siding, manufactured siding, wood shingles or shingle panels, manufactured shingle or shingle panels, stucco, masonry, metal, glass and other materials. Exterior walls also include window products, door products, sheet metal products such as flashing or venting, other waterproofing products such as adhered and non-adhered flashing paper and other products. Residential and commercial structures typically include plumbing products including certain manufactured pipe products, electrical products, HVAC products and similar products. Foundations include a variety of concrete products. Paint products, stain products, caulking and caulking products are common. All of these products have various express and implied warranty. Product manufacturers may be economically viable and primarily responsible for your claim.
TAMKO Lamarite Slate Composite Shingles Investigating a class action on behalf of property owners who have incurred damage as a result of a potential defect related to TAMKO Lamarite Slate Composite Shingles. If you installed TAMKO Lamarite Slate Composite Shingles on your property that are failing or have caused damage including discoloration and/or deterioration, please contact us. Pex Piping Investigation on behalf of homeowners who have incurred damages as a result of premature failure of Pex Piping. Pex piping is manufactured by numerous companies. If you have incurred damage as a result of Pex Piping failing and causing water damage in your home or property please contact us. |