Costco Engagement Rings Class Action Lawsuit Investigation
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit on behalf of consumers against Costco for falsely identifying engagement rings as branded "Tiffany" through in store signage. On August 14, 2017, Costco was ordered to pay Tiffany $19 million in punitive damages for trademark infringement. It is alleged that Costco has sold thousands of rings falsely identified on store signs as Tiffany. If you purchased what you believed to be a Tiffany engagement ring at Costco, please contact us.
Investigating a potential class action lawsuit on behalf of consumers against Costco for falsely identifying engagement rings as branded "Tiffany" through in store signage. On August 14, 2017, Costco was ordered to pay Tiffany $19 million in punitive damages for trademark infringement. It is alleged that Costco has sold thousands of rings falsely identified on store signs as Tiffany. If you purchased what you believed to be a Tiffany engagement ring at Costco, please contact us.